Introduction Augmented reality is changing the way we work. Augmented reality (AR) allows users to view and interact with a blend of real-world and computer-generated content. It’s nothing new, but it’s becoming more common as companies look for ways to enhance their workforce. I’m sure you’ve heard about AR in […]

Introduction The goal of performance management is simple: to make sure that your team members are doing their best work and growing as professionals. Here are the steps you need to take to make sure this happens, no matter what kind of manager you are. Define Your Goals The first […]

Introduction Data protection is one of the most important aspects of running a company. Data protection helps ensure that you’re protected against cyber attacks, can meet compliance requirements and protect your employees from being unable to do their jobs properly. The following article will explain how data protection can help […]

Introduction Cybersecurity is the key to business survival in this digital age. If your company has a culture of security, you’re more likely to survive a cyberattack. You can take steps towards becoming more secure today! The average cost of a data breach has now reached $5.5 million, according to […]

Introduction Strong threat protection is one of the keys to a successful security strategy. While businesses have been dealing with threats for years, the cybersecurity landscape has constantly evolved and become more complex. Now more than ever, businesses need to be aware of their current risk exposure and take proactive […]

Introduction If you’re like most businesses, you’ve spent years building up the foundation of your IT infrastructure. You have a reliable server and reliable data center. You have a solid backup solution and a good disaster recovery plan—all designed to protect what matters most. But while that’s all well and […]